
30 Mar 2012

All haters are unrealized potential

People spending time hating on someone loose precious time making themselves better. We all have the potential to be great individuals if we follow our passion and our calling, if we're not afraid to work for it and if we don't give up.  I hope you enjoy this little gem from Joe Rogan and Bryan Callen. I certainly did. In fact I think it would be great for OWN to invite Joe Rogan to be participate in Master Class.

7 Mar 2012

KONY 2012 - Let's do this! (EDIT: Maybe not)

Apparently this video was not 100% honest so I'm not sure I don't really support this anymore. Not that I was planning to buy anything, I just wanted to spread the word. The good thing from this is that more people are aware of Uganda and the lesson is do a little more research first :)
Watch this video. It's about coming together to make the world a better place and stop senseless killing, abducting, traumatizing and raping of kids. All you need to do is watch and share with everyone you know. I'm doing my part.

Many celebrities have already embarked on this project. The more we talk about it and the more relevant this stays this year, the better chance these kids have to live a normal life.